CSM Hearing
November 22, 2024
Download the Notice, Agenda, and New Filings November 22, 2024 Binder (.zip, 53MB) On Friday, November 22, 2024, the Commission on State Mandates (Commission) will conduct its next regular meeting and hearing in person at 10:00 a.m., at Park Tower, 980 9th Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, California, 95814 and via Zoom. The Commission is committed to ensuring that its public meetings are accessible to the public and that the public has the opportunity to observe the meeting and to participate by providing written and verbal comment on Commission matters whether they are physically appearing at the in-person meeting location or participating via Zoom. If you want to speak during the hearing and you are in-person, please come to the table for the swearing in and to speak when your item is up for hearing. If you are participating via Zoom, you must use the "Raise Hand" feature in order for our moderators to know you need to be unmuted. You may join the meeting via Zoom through the link below and can listen and view through your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone. This will allow you to view documents being shared as well. There are two options for joining the meeting via Zoom:
Testimony at the Commission Hearing. If you plan to address the Commission on an agenda item, please notify the Commission Office not later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the hearing. Please also include the names of the people who will be speaking and the names and email addresses of the people who will be speaking remotely for inclusion on the witness list. When calling or emailing, identify the item you want to testify on and the entity you represent. The Commission Chairperson reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to complete the agenda. If you plan to file any written document for Commission member review, please note that Commission staff will include written comments filed at least 15 days in advance of the hearing in the Commissioners' hearing binders. Additionally, staff will transmit written comments filed between 15 and five days prior to a meeting to the Commission members, if possible. However, comments filed less than five days prior to a meeting will not be included in the Commissioners' hearing binders and a PDF of the document, shall be filled via the Commission’s dropbox at https://www.csm.ca.gov/dropbox.shtml at least 24-hours prior to the hearing to allow staff time to process and post the document to allow all in-person and remote participants to review it. Commission staff shall provide an electronic copy to the Commission, include an electronic copy in the public hearing binder at the hearing, and post a copy on the Commission’s website, and may share the document with the Commission and the public using the “share screen” function. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, § 1181.10(b)(1)(C)). Agenda Materials. Agenda materials are available at the Commission office, located at 980 9th Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, California, 95814 during regular business hours. However, members of the public who have access to the internet are encouraged to obtain these materials online. Please call (916) 323-3562 or email at for an appointment. All supporting documentation for items on the agenda for the public portion of Commission meetings is available for public inspection on the Commission’s website at https://www.csm.ca.gov/agendas/112224.shtml. Website. Agenda items are available on the Commission’s website at www.csm.ca.gov. After reaching the site's home page, click on "Hearings" on the top of the page for the hearing agenda. Generally, Commission staff upload the items two weeks before the meeting and they may be accessed from links on the agenda. If an item on this agenda is postponed prior to the meeting, notice will be posted on a revised agenda. Following the meeting, staff will post Commission actions on the Commission’s website and will serve and post the adopted decisions within 10 days of the meeting. To find the adopted minutes and transcripts of Commission meetings on the website in PDF format, click “Hearings” on the top of the home page. Reasonable Accommodation. Any person requesting accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act or for language assistance, please contact the Commission office as soon as possible but at least five to seven working days prior to the meeting. Reminder: Commission staff includes written comments filed at least 15 days in advance of the meeting in the Commissioners' hearing binders. If you plan to testify and would like the Commissioners to review any document not filed 15 days in advance of the hearing, please file the PDF document via the Commission’s dropbox at https://www.csm.ca.gov/dropbox.shtml as soon as possible and at least 24-hours prior to the hearing.
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